Some questions to : Martin Letourneur

Today Martin answers our questions and tells us about his background and his passion: surfing.
Who are you? Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Martin Letourneur, I am a surfer from Saint Malo. I grew up in Saint Malo, then I moved around a lot for my studies and now I’m lucky enough to work for the whole team at MD Surfboards, Cutbacks Sport and Surf Avenue.
When and how did you start surfing?
I started surfing at the age of 8 during a holiday in Quiberon. We started surfing at about the same time with my older brother ( hello Thomas 🙂 ) and my father. It was a revelation for me.
What type of board do you use most often?
Impossible to answer this question! It varies depending on the conditions: when the waves are small I’ll do Longboarding or Foil, when they’re bigger I’ll go out on a Shortboard or do some Paddle surfing. We make great boards with MD Surfboards, which I have the opportunity to test, so I can say that it is the brand I use the most.
What do you think are the qualities to be a good surfer?
You have to know how to adapt to the conditions, especially when you are on spots like ours in Brittany. You also have to know how to adapt to the people in the water, but also to adapt to the different supports because there is not only surfing in the water now Trying surfing, paddling..helps us to progress and to have fun.
If you had to choose only one place on earth to surf, your dream place, where would it be?
I would say North Finistere, because I know every corner, I love the sports, the friends I have there, and the variety of waves.
Where have you surfed before that has made the biggest impression on you?
I was able to surf some really nice waves in California, Cape Verde. I would say that the most memorable was probably in Oregon in the United States, where I was able to surf on a very wild coastline with huge cliffs and cold water, it was a crazy experience.
Do you have a surfer/rider who inspires you?
I love the versatility of Kai Lenny. Afterwards, at the national level, I have friends with whom I compete, such as Benoit Carpentier, who is very good, and I also see him as a role model for me!
What is the competition you would like to participate in?
The Molokai in Oahu ( Hawaii ) which can be done by foil and historically by canoe, standup paddle… I would love to participate.
Have you ever been apprehensive / afraid of a wave or a spot?
Completely! I am not a big wave surfer! I can be quite chicken when the waves are over 2m/2m50. So you could say that I know how to remain humble about my technical level in these conditions. But you have to work at it little by little, every year I push my limits a little.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself either around here or in Finistère. But continue to surf in all media, continue to work in the surfing world.
How did you hear about Rack Ta Board? What is your favourite product at Rack Ta Board?
I got to know Rack Ta Board through MD Surfboards. My favourite product would be the easel. You can store all types of boards but also handle them easily.
What is the most important thing you can reduce in your daily life to limit your ecological impact on the planet?
I buy quite little, I’m very careful about what I buy, and when I have to buy equipment I make sure it’s durable and doesn’t become obsolete quickly. I try to consume better.
What message would you like to give to someone who wants to start surfing?
How fantastic 🙂 Surfing has allowed me to experience some incredible things. The focus should not be on performance, but rather on emotions and experiences. Don’t hesitate to get involved, whatever your level, whatever your age etc.